

Best Practices for Application Maintenance Services

Best practices for application management service metrics

IT and Software Application Development goes through a process known as the software development life cycle, which involves planning, creating, testing, and deploying an information system. The maintenance is due to evolving customer expectations, the struggle to survive in an existing market, and technological advancements. Modifying and implementing new strategies is critical in supporting sustainability and remaining ambitious.

The efficiency and usefulness of application maintenance are largely determined by how well your maintenance processes are organized and what practices you employ. The procedures and practices also influence the application maintenance team’s effectiveness. They assist them in organizing their tasks in order to ensure timely maintenance and the proactive resolution of critical issues.


In this blog, we’ll go over some of the best application maintenance practices, which will not only help you maintain optimal application performance but will also optimize the process that governs it. As a result, your team, customers, and company benefit from consistent application performance and experience.

What is Application Maintenance?

The continuous updating, analyzing, modifying, and re-evaluation of your existing software applications is known as application maintenance. Application maintenance must be an ongoing task to ensure that your applications are always performing to their full potential.

Best Application Maintenance Practices:

  • Making and Following a Maintenance Schedule
  • Prioritizing Issue Fixing
  • Testing the Maintenance Updates
  • Verifying the Testing Results 
  • Outsource the Application Maintenance 

Making and Following a Maintenance Schedule

  • Making and Following a Maintenance Schedule
  • Prioritizing Issue Fixing
  • Testing the Maintenance Updates
  • Verifying the Testing Results 
  • Outsource the Application Maintenance 

Making and Following a Maintenance Schedule

Of course, you can’t schedule a maintenance patch overnight and then announce an application outage the next day, confusing and irritating users! You must plan the maintenance schedule ahead of time and communicate it to users so that they can plan their work accordingly. It’s a small step, but it’s critical because it affects user experience and deliverable.

You can no longer impose the same maintenance schedule on everyone. You must divide it into two categories: one for the production environment and one for the non-production environment. For example, the production environment may experience a scheduled application maintenance outage on Sunday from midnight to 3 a.m., whereas the non-production environment may experience one every day from midday to 3 p.m.

Prioritizing Issue Fixing

When you receive notification of a maintenance release, the first thing you do is go through your list of issues to fix. The ones raised by users, as well as those affecting user experience and regular operations, must be prioritized. This practice allows you to determine the urgency and determine when you must apply the patches, which is especially useful when there are a lot of other elements released at the same time.


The key here is to consider the user’s perspective. The maintenance team must ask a few critical questions to assess the benefit of fixing the issue, as well as the risk factor involved in not fixing it right away, or perhaps the consequences of delaying for a while. When you have a large number of issues to fix and maintain, you must prioritize issues relating to users before determining the order of the others.

Testing the Maintenance Updates

You must now test it to determine its effectiveness after you have completed the maintenance phase. It’s a good idea to start by testing maintenance updates in a non-production replica environment.


So, how do you go about doing so? Perform a control test before applying any maintenance updates, then apply a single maintenance update and rerun the test suite.


These tests have two goals: to confirm that behavioral changes were as expected and to confirm that no undesirable or unexpected changes were observed after the process.


It is preferable to complete all of these steps during a non-production maintenance window, as this will allow you to calculate how long it took the system to apply the update and how long it took to complete it.

Validating Test Results in a Productive Environment

The final step entails verifying the testing results in a productive environment to ensure consistency of results. It consists of the same steps you took when validating the updates in the non-production environment. However, you can repeat the steps of running a test without applying maintenance updates, applying only one maintenance update, and then running a validation test before closing the maintenance section.

Outsource the Application Maintenance

Application upkeep is a specialized task. To achieve the desired results, a team of expert application maintenance and support specialists is required to ensure optimal efficiency, best performance, and adherence to best practices. Outsourcing not only relieves you of the complexities of application maintenance but also ensures timely and comprehensive maintenance.


The outsourcing firm has the experience, expertise, workflows, and technologies to provide regular and effective maintenance updates across your entire technology stack. As a result, partnering with an application maintenance outsourcing company gives you a competitive advantage and allows you to focus on the more important aspects of your business.

Advantages of Application Maintenance

Let us go over some of the unmistakable advantages of regular application maintenance.


At all times, ensure that the application performs optimally.

Proactive bug fixing

improved functionalities

Match the application to the most recent trends and competencies.

Increased application lifecycle and improved lifecycle

Keep the application downtime to the minimum

Improved Security

Reset annual support costs by removing redundant functionalities

Increase application reliability

Reduce the likelihood of critical application failures.

Outsource Application Maintenance Services to Aagnia Technologies for Optimized Application Efficiency

Choose Aagnia Technologies if you want to outsource application maintenance to a company that uses the best application maintenance practices, resources, and workflows to ensure optimal application efficiency.


Aagnia serves as the application maintenance partner for a wide range of companies in a variety of industries and countries. The company’s evolving experience and ability to constantly upgrade its skills make it a more capable and competitive application maintenance partner. For an in-depth discussion of your requirements, contact Aagnia Technologies experts at 7540007581, or send an email to sales@aagnia.com.


Build your IoT infrastructure or Buy IOT infrastructure.

Which one is best Build your IOT infrastructure or Buy IOT infrastructure.

To construct or not to construct? That is the question that many businesses face when they begin to develop plans for an IoT project.

Because each use case is unique to a specific business, the building appears to be an appealing option for getting exactly what you need out of a large investment. However, securing the in-house talent required to pull off a massive undertaking like IoT takes time, money, and commitment. It is critical to determine whether the project is worth the time and effort required to build an infrastructure from the ground up.

Let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of buying and building to help you decide what’s best for your company.

Build your Own IoT Infrastructure:


Dedicated in-house team: Building the team in-house means you’ll have salaried employees to assist you not only during the construction process but also during the project’s maintenance and lifecycle. This is useful when an IoT project needs to be flexed to meet a new business requirement or patched to address a new vulnerability that wasn’t present during the initial deployment.


Fully customized solution: An in-house build allows for a fully customized IoT solution to your use case. Do you require a specific protocol to assist your sensors in collecting data, communicating it to the cloud, and then delivering it to a custom app optimised for iOS and Android? An in-house build by an in-house team is in sync with your internal business goals and can be built to assist in meeting them.



Finding talent takes time: Finding talent takes time. Furthermore, because no IoT solution is the same as another, it’s more difficult to determine whether someone’s previous experience will lead you to the best current solution. Add to that the rapid pace of innovation, and even the most talented IoT professionals must constantly update their own skills to stay on top of the latest and greatest.


Problems with customization: A fully customised in-house solution has not been vetted for quality and assurance. On paper, it’s perfect for your use case, but are there gaps in your implementation that you can’t see because you’re too close to your business needs to balance them with industry best practises? It also restricts your IoT knowledge to those present in the building, with little validation of assumptions.

Buy IoT Infrastructure:


Strategic partners shorten time to market: Distributors provide both fully built and semi-built IoT strategies. These provide clients with a balance of tried and true infrastructure solutions with customizable points that still make a purchased solution adaptable to your business needs. This allows you to set up an IoT instance more quickly and beat the competition to the market.

Global footprint, broad knowledge: The collective knowledge of a global network means that someone somewhere in the world is keeping up with IoT deployments and solutions from competitors in your industry and innovative companies in others. This built-in competitive intelligence can assist them in objectively vetting your business case, running diagnostics to prove ROI to top executives early on, recommending the best solutions during the development phase, and ensuring security and maintenance not only with an on-site deployment but also with a lifecycle management engagement.


External partners are vetted: A one-size-fits-all approach is unlikely to work for your implementation due to the complexity of IoT, which necessitates deep expertise and experience in both operational and information technology. It’s unusual to find those two skills—along with specialization in hardware, software, and data science—at the same company in such depth. Close collaboration and communication are required for IoT solutions. Though the hype may seem exaggerated, there is a lot of opportunity in the IoT space, so competition is fierce. Having more partners increases your risk of failure and cost because it reduces your ability to collaborate and communicate effectively, and thus your agility.

An external partner requires assistance: It will take some extra time upfront, just like hiring an advertising agency or an outside research firm, to get an external team up to speed on your specific business objectives. For executives who want to see new solutions put in place as soon as possible, this can add weeks to the consultation phase of a project they don’t want to shortchange. Don’t do it. Allowing this time upfront with the right partner can pay for itself tenfold when the C-suite sees the ROI of the new IoT project in the field.

To build or not to build?

When it comes to the difficult decision of whether to buy an IoT infrastructure or build one, each company will have to reach their own conclusion (or vice versa). In any case, make sure you plan, develop, and deploy with a team that can produce real results, and that you back them up over time—whether they work in your office or not.

Aagnia Technologies’ IoT solutions are completely customizable to meet the needs of your specific project. Contact us to speak with a consultant!


The advantages of IoT technology and cloud computing in the industry

The advantages of IoT technology and cloud computing in the industry

Because IoT is a data-driven technology, incorporating cloud computing for effective data management becomes critical. Cloud-based solutions have proven to be effective over time. Nonetheless, they provide improved security, data mobility, data recovery solutions, little to no maintenance, easy access, and many other benefits. In comparison, IoT-based cloud services are less expensive, as they avoid unnecessary maintenance costs. Here are some of the major advantages of smart IoT-based solutions to consider.


Data security is a major concern for all industries, as is whether or not their data will be safe. The use of IoT technology creates a dependable network that processes data through a cloud platform and ensures data security. Furthermore, the IoT-powered solution is specially programmed to comprehend business requirements, such as the operability of sensitive data.



Cloud computing is an essential component of IoT’s most advanced and cutting-edge concept. Its scalable feature is transforming how most businesses access and store data, as well as improving their operability. When complex industrial processes necessitate more resources, an IoT system with cloud computing provides sufficient scalability to ensure that the processes run smoothly.


Usability and accessibility:

Users can use cloud computing to get applications to market quickly without having to worry about underlying infrastructure costs or maintenance. Cloud computing helps to reduce your operating costs and also assists organizations in pacing their investments so that they avoid large up-front capital expenses and pay monthly as their business grows.


Data mobility:

It is much easier to access data from anywhere and at any time with the help of IoT-based cloud solutions. The cloud server is critical in processing and storing data so that it is always accessible. Data mobility is especially important in real-time IoT projects that require real-time monitoring and connectivity of connected devices. This necessitates a well-structured system that manages data automatically.


Efficiency/Cost Reduction:

Users can use cloud computing to get applications to market quickly without having to worry about underlying infrastructure costs or maintenance. Cloud computing helps to reduce your operating costs and also assists organizations in pacing their investments so that they avoid large up-front capital expenses and pay monthly as their business grows.


Data recovery:

There is a massive amount of data in industries such as oil and gas, transportation, chemical, water, manufacturing, and so on. This data necessitates proper handling and management accessibility. There is a chance that servers will experience technical difficulties while handling this massive amount of data, or that hard drives will have problems with the loading process. When IoT and cloud computing concepts are combined, it is easier to recover data.


It may appear difficult to ensure that you and your team understand how to use cloud computing to improve your business, but the effort of learning and implementing is well worth it. The future is changing, and if you want to ensure that your business changes with it, move to the cloud.

As a result of IoT and cloud computing, industries are becoming more advanced and focused on providing effective services. Furthermore, the technological combination of the two provides customer satisfaction through data-driven approaches and efficient data storage where security is the primary concern, resulting in better industry progress.


Challenges Associated with DevOps Implementation

Challenges Associated with DevOps Implementation

Challenges Associated with DevOps Implementation

Resistance to change: 

Change is nothing but getting out of your comfort zone. There are some people who don’t want to come out of their comfort zones. DevOps Implementation leads to a major transformation in their daily work routine which makes them uncomfortable. 

You can’t just tell your team they need to change; you need to plan the move to DevOps as a natural evolution of development practices. To effectively implement DevOps, everyone must be on board. 

DevOps is more than just bringing Development and IT Operations together; it is about bringing all the teams related to your project together, even your customers through feedback.

Solution: Don’t try to make the transition overnight; instead, find a small and easiest component to start with and start your build from there. Let the team realize the benefits of the DevOps approach.

 Create a company culture that encourages all teams to collaborate in order to provide value to your customers.

Tool turbulence:

Tools make DevOps possible, but DevOps isn’t about the tools. It is a shift in thinking and culture that will enable you to address challenges. This erroneous focus stems from the necessity of training your staff to use DevOps tools and ensuring that they are integrated with your existing infrastructure. 

Normally, DevOps tools implementation has two major challenges. The overwhelming quantity of tools accessible makes selection difficult and lacks tool knowledge. The CI/CD principles were established by DevOps and are supposed to be used in conjunction with the appropriate tools. 

However, many teams opt to stick with outdated technologies, making it harder to become used to the latest DevOps tools’ features. Organizations’ inability to choose the tools that best correspond with their technological vision is exacerbated by a lack of tool understanding. 

Usually, Development and IT Operations have always utilized different technologies and had various tracking metrics. As a result, bringing the two teams together poses the problem of deciding which ones to keep.

Solution: You can begin defining procedures once you have the proper structure in place. Then you can figure out what tools you’ll need to keep track of these procedures.

However, keep in mind that your team comes first, not your tools, as this is the most crucial thing to consider when shifting to DevOps. You won’t have an efficient implementation if your staff can’t follow the new processes or use the new tools. 

The tools chosen should be in alignment with the goals your company is trying to achieve and be suitable for the products you’re trying to build. 

There’s no point in holding on to outdated legacy tools that slow you down. Finding the right orchestration tools is the simplest way to solve the problem of tool integration.

Switching from Legacy Infrastructure to Microservices:

Continuing to utilize a legacy infrastructure might cause your company to fall behind its competitors, not to mention the problems that arise with platforms and applications that are no longer maintained. 

Using newer microservices architectures to replace older applications and infrastructure allows for faster development and innovation.

However, migrating to microservices is not without its difficulties, the most notable of which is the increasing complexity.


Solution: The move to DevOps solves these issues in and of itself: adding automation, configuration management, and Continuous Delivery can help you manage the higher operational burdens that come with microservices designs.

Lack of Knowledge, vision, and expertise:

DevOps is still a relatively new idea, it can be challenging to locate employees who are knowledgeable in this area. As a result, most businesses are wary of implementing it. 

Even though the term has been around for a while and many organizations claim to be doing DevOps, the truth is that many still don’t understand what it actually means. 

Worse, they see it as a replacement for other software development methodologies like Agile. However, DevOps does not replace Agile; rather, the two can be used in tandem for the best results. 

You can’t tell if you’re on the correct route, where you came from, or where you’re headed without a clear plan and some data. Estimating deadlines, milestones, and deliverables are also nearly impossible.


Solution: Education and preparation are the keys here. The lack of a thorough understanding of DevOps concepts makes its adoption extremely risky; you could end up creating new issues that disrupt your organization’s activities. 

There’s no solution for obtaining skills other than learning by doing. You’ll also be able to develop a vision of what you want to accomplish once you’ve gained information. 

Planning is essential, as a lack of experience makes DevOps implementation extremely risky. 

Keep in mind that, despite the abundance of DevOps tools accessible, experts believe there are only a few people in the world who actually have knowledge in this subject.

Challenges during the process:

When it comes to tools and platforms, management has typically imposed changes on people. DevOps, on the other hand, advocates for a different strategy. 

Because developers are the most knowledgeable about how to complete a task, it should be left to them to choose the tools and platforms that are most appropriate for the task at hand. 

The requirement for different development, staging, test, and production environments grows as your program becomes more complicated. 

Managing numerous environments becomes more difficult as a result of this. When it comes to automation, we can’t forget about DevOps’ cornerstones, Continuous Integration, and Continuous Delivery.

A CI/CD pipeline can help you reduce the expenses and time it takes to move a feature from development to production. The problem is enforcing development standards without slowing down development. 


Solution: Make sure you have a strategy in place. Because managing various environments may quickly become overwhelming, following a set of established actions can streamline development and testing, allowing you to deploy faster. 

Every organization has its unique method of DevOps process. Each of them uses its own set of tools to implement the CICD pipeline.


The Acceleration of innovation:

The use of DevOps concepts aids in the reduction of the release cycle. That’s excellent, but it also means you’ll have less time to create, test, and deploy updates, which means you won’t be able to rely on manual processes, which might cause delays.

Automate your processes! Yes, automating procedures is difficult, and it may necessitate a shift in your present routine. 

However, you’ll be able to reduce a large number of human errors and enhance productivity in the long run.

Securing your infrastructure:

DevOps is so concerned with security that it has its own subcategory, DevSecOps. The issue is how to make deployments safer without compromising speed. 

There are numerous tools available to assist you in setting up a safe environment, but the difficulty is that they do not slow down the development environment.

Solution: You can discover flaws early on and decrease risk, resource management expenses, and legal liability by creating components with security in mind and incorporating security at the beginning of the deployment cycle.

Costs of implementation:

Some businesses mistakenly believe that deploying DevOps will help them save money. Actually, DevOps aids you in increasing revenue by allowing you to provide greater value to your consumers. 

Organizations that use DevOps and Agile principles see a 60 percent increase in revenue and profit on average.


Solution: The truth is that if you don’t have the budget to deploy DevOps, there is no way around it. One word of caution: if you don’t have the funding to support the whole change, don’t start executing it halfway. 

This will just add to the friction and issues. Plan ahead of time and only start the change when you have all of the materials you’ll need.

Aagnia Technologies can help you get the most out of custom software development. Our Software Development Experts have extensive experience and can assist you in developing the best software for your needs. Contact us right away for a free business analysis!


Outsourcing Application Development and Some Legitimate Concerns

Outsourcing Application Development and Some Legitimate Concerns

Outsourcing Application Development and Some Legitimate Concerns

What are the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing IT services?

Despite the fact that there are some risks associated with outsourcing IT services, the benefits outweigh them. Let us first discuss the benefits of IT outsourcing services.

  • Outsourcing IT services helps to reduce development costs.
  • It easily reduces the time required for the development process.
  • You can easily avoid hiring an in-house team by outsourcing IT services.
  • You can quickly hire the best skills and talent from any respected location in the world.

However, there are some risks.

  • Outsourcing software development lacks the personal touch with the development companies.
  • When there is downtime in development, productivity suffers.
  • You’ll need a dedicated manager to oversee all of the developers and work that’s being done.

Which companies choose to outsource IT services?

Companies or individuals with a large client base that is constantly expanding and in need of more developers and project managers frequently outsource IT services to other companies. The most common reason is a lack of in-house talent to manage all of the tasks. As a result, they must outsource the work to others with different skills.

What are the benefits and drawbacks of outsourcing a software company?

Because it is now tailored – according to your business needs – custom software helps to increase productivity by making processes faster. 

You will not have to invest time or change your business processes to accommodate the standardized software.

Easy Integration with Low Costs:

Outsourcing IT services has several advantages and disadvantages. However, the benefits are frequently prioritized. Here are some of the benefits of IT Outsourcing Services. The following are the benefits and drawbacks of outsourcing IT services:

Offshore software development enables businesses to outsource their IT work to other companies in order to achieve a better result.

If you don’t want to hire more in-house employees, it’s best to outsource IT services.

It allows you to access a larger talent pool for your employees.

It gives you access to the company’s skilled resources.

It reduces the possibility of a service outage.

It usually results in lower labor costs for the job.

Cons of Outsourcing IT Services:

It has issues with security and trust.

Your fixed costs may become marginal at some point.

There may come a time when you lose control of the development work.

What are the reasons why businesses outsource software development?

There are numerous reasons why businesses prefer to outsource software development. The first and foremost benefit is that it reduces development costs. IT also provides out-of-the-box benefits that increase flexibility and reduce development time. Outsourcing IT services is a new trend that all businesses are focusing on and capitalizing on.

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Why Software outsourcing is growing quickly in popularity?

Access to a larger talent pool as well as cutting-edge technology

Exposure to global talent is one of the primary reasons why companies outsource software development. Furthermore, expertise in every skill and technology cannot be obtained in-house.

What industries outsource software development?

Outsourcing Software Development Companies.

Managed IT Service Providers.

Big Data Analytics Companies.

Cloud Consulting Services.

IT Services Companies.

IT Outsourcing Companies.

AI Companies.

Blockchain Development Companies.

Is outsourcing software development a good idea?

The advantages of outsourcing software development extend beyond cost savings. Many businesses outsource because it saves time and energy for their internal team. By delegating additional tasks to a third party, you free up your in-house team to focus on long-term goals, customer service, and business growth.

Why should you outsource software development?

Outsourcing software development is an excellent way to obtain a feature-rich, productive, and functional service without having to worry about the cost and time commitments of the business.

If you want to improve your development process without spending too much money on management and control, it is always better to outsource IT services. All you have to do is provide the offshore software development company with your requirements, and the rest will be taken care of. We hope that the above-mentioned Most Common Concerns about Offshore Software Development have been addressed.


Mobile Application Development

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Mobile application development is the process of developing application software that runs on a mobile device, and a typical mobile application works with remote computing resources via a network connection. As a result, the mobile development process entails creating installable software bundles (code, binaries, assets, and so on), implementing backend services like data access via an API, and testing the application on target devices.

Alternatives to Developing Mobile Apps:

When creating mobile applications, there are four major development approaches to consider.

  • Native Mobile Applications
  • Hybrid Mobile Applications
  • Progressive Web Applications
  • Cross-Platform Native Mobile Applications

Each of these methods for developing applications has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Developers consider the preferred user experience, the computing resources and native features required by the app, the development spending plan, time targets, and resources available to maintain the app when deciding on the best development approach for their projects.

Comparing Native vs. Hybrid Application Development:

At the highest level, there are a few ways that native apps differ from hybrid apps.



  • Specific to the Platform
  • Language Compilation
  • Device Hardware Access
  • Frameworks for Platforms



  • Platform-Independent
  • Scripting / Compilation
  • Native Modules / Plugins
  • Web Frameworks

Key Mobile Application Development Services:

There are hundreds of cloud and third-party services available to mobile app developers to help them accelerate the development and delivery of their applications. A developer, on the other hand, is unlikely to become an expert in each of these individual services.

Instead, mobile developers should look for a development environment that allows them to quickly and easily integrate, use, and consume the most commonly required capabilities into their application, while still allowing them to take advantage of the many individual services available.


User Sign-up / Sign-in

Social login (Google, Facebook, Twitter sign-in, etc.)

User Engagement and Analytics


Real-World Device Testing

Data Services:

Online and Offline Data

Cloud Functions/Application Logic

Cloud Storage

Artificial Intelligence (AI) & ML

Chat Bot

Recognition of images and videos

Speech Recognition


How to Be Successful in Offshore Software Development

Offshore Software Developments

How to Be Successful in Offshore Software Development

To ensure the success of your software development project with the assistance of offshore software development, you must carefully consider a number of factors.


As previously stated, Asian countries are typically where tech companies look when looking to outsource software development. This is for good reason; there is a lot of talent in that area.

However, different regions provide different benefits, so do your research.

For financial reasons, the majority of businesses chose to outsource software development. However, just because the cost is an issue doesn’t mean it should be the deciding factor in your decision.

You’ve heard the expression “you get what you pay for.” When selecting a software development agency to work with, look for reasonable, not dirt-cheap prices.


The skill of your developers is directly related to the success of your software development project. Keep an eye out for developers who possess the skillsets required for your project. 

Aside from technical skills, remember to thoroughly vet your candidates to ensure they have the key soft skills required to work collaboratively on a project. This skill set can include everything from communication skills to problem-solving abilities.


You are correct to be concerned about the security risks associated with outsourcing your software development project. Fortunately, you can negotiate with potential partners before signing any contract, and you can prioritize your concerns.

To optimize your software development project with offshore teams, you must carefully consider a number of factors.

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Is offshore development relevant still?

Is offshore development relevant still? (Outsourcing)

Why is there an offshore development?

Offshore software development allows businesses of all sizes to access the same skilled labor force, lowering costs and the time required to develop software. Freeing up time allows you to focus on your strengths and core operations, allowing you to work toward long-term business growth.

In 2022, there will be an increase in offshore software development.

Offshore software development is a clever solution for meeting your organization’s business needs in software engineering. It’s okay if what’s right in front of you isn’t always the best answer. Stay tuned to learn more about how offshore software development can benefit your company. The information provided below will familiarise you with the fundamentals of offshore software development.  

What Are the Advantages of Outsourcing Software Development?

Improved Product Quality. Offshore outsourcing is one of the most effective methods for connecting with talent and acquiring high-quality services. When you outsource your software development, you gain access to a larger pool of talent and higher-quality code.


Development, you gain access to a larger pool of talent and higher-quality code. In-house custom software development can be both costly and difficult. Payroll procedures are time-sensitive and necessitate the services of a specialized and salaried human resources specialist. Management overhead is also a major drain on the budget.
By using an offshore development team, one can reduce direct and indirect costs such as in-house team recruitment, supervision, and compensation. Working with an offshore development company relieves organizations of the burden of infrastructure, Human Resource teams, and other recruiting-related tasks. They only pay when the project assignment is in progress. That undoubtedly makes the development process more efficient and cost-effective. Outsourcing is generally less expensive than servicing projects close to home because the cost of living in popular outsourcing countries is typically lower.

Ease of Hiring:

It can take up to a month to find new employees, leaving your company vulnerable in the meantime. However, hiring software developers, in particular, entails an additional risk.

Software development is a technical skill, and to some extent, you need experts to find experts. And, to be honest, not everyone is an expert, and hiring software developers on your own may necessitate extensive research.

Gain a Competitive Edge:

The use of cutting-edge technologies is becoming increasingly important for businesses these days. IT industry trends such as BI, IoT, AI, ML, RPA, Blockchain, and others have become a primary source of streamlining operations for businesses all over the world. However, implementing these technologies can be difficult, which is why businesses frequently seek to outsource their development projects to offshore software development companies with expertise in these software technologies in order to gain a competitive edge in their domain.

Guaranteed Quality:

Similarly, offshore development teams can ensure quality. Offshore software developers are typically employed by software development outsourcing firms with stringent hiring practices.

These agencies hire developers through rigorous vetting and screening processes, such as coding challenges with real-world applications.

Increased Scalability:

Taking all of this into consideration, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), as well as tech startups looking to scale, can benefit greatly from offshore software development.

Lowering costs while retaining objectively skilled talent is not a bad deal. SMBs and startups, almost by definition, have more limited budgets.

Access to World-Class Expertise:

One of the most important benefits of hiring an offshore software development team is that you gain access to a large talent pool of programmers and software engineers. Your company’s needs may not always be the same. In contrast to an in-house development team, you do not have to select from a small pool of software talented programmers (out of which some are amateurs or less experienced). Outsourcing development allows you to gain access to software developers with strong qualifications and competent skills in specific areas, transforming them into highly talented experts.

Getting in touch with a professional offshore team is a win-win situation for your project and IT team. After all, these qualified specialists will be able to complete the development-related essential tasks more efficiently and on time.

Allows Time to Focus on Specific Tasks:

Offshore development teams save you a significant amount of time. Start-ups, in particular, are always pressed for time. First, they are struggling to make a name for themselves in the industry, and second, they are severely understaffed.

Hiring a software development outsourcing company relieves your start-up of the burden of recruiting, training, and housing staff to develop applications for your company. Your company will have immediate access to a high-performing and expert offshore team of professionals, allowing you to concentrate on your core business functions. Their experience and expertise will assist you in achieving your business objectives.


Industrial Revolution(5.0 Key Elements)

Industrial Revolution(5.0 Key Elements)

What is Industry 5.0:

People working alongside robots and smart machines are referred to as Industry 5.0. It is about robots assisting humans in performing better and faster tasks by utilising advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and big data. It gives the Industry 4.0 pillars of automation and efficiency a personal human touch.

  • Human-Centric design for industry & Society.
  • Focus on environmental and social sustainability. 
  • Mission Driven companies over profit-driven.
  • Widespread use of the metaverse.

Key Elements of Industry 5.0:

100% of Companies are Mission-Driven and Values-Based

Robotics and Automation Complement human and do not overtake them

Environmental, Political and Social Sustainability at the forefront of Design

Humans are working more creative jobs and less monotonous and dangerous jobs 

Humans are working fewer hours and may not need to work at all

Virtual Reality technology will create a new economy in the metaverse

Powered by the widespread implementation of industry 4.0 Manufacturing

Whether you ready or not, Industry 5.0 has arrived. While many manufacturers are still working on ways to connect new technologies to improve efficiency and productivity — the guiding principle behind Industry 4.0 — the next phase of industrialization has already begun.

Robots have traditionally performed dangerous, monotonous, or physically demanding work in manufacturing environments, such as welding and painting in car factories and loading and unloading heavy materials in warehouses. As machines become smarter and more connected in the workplace, Industry 5.0 aims to combine cognitive computing capabilities with human intelligence and resourcefulness in collaborative operations.

The combination of human and machine workers opens up a wide range of opportunities in manufacturing. And, because Industry 5.0 use cases are still in their early stages, manufacturers should be actively strategizing ways to integrate human and machine workers in order to maximise the unique benefits that can be reaped as the movement evolves.


Challenges in DevOps Implementation and Its Solutions

Gitlab CI Pipeline for Laravel app

Continuous Integration is a development practice that requires developers to integrate code into a shared repository several times per day (repos in subversion, CVS, git). Each check-in is then verified by an automated build, allowing everyone to detect and be notified of problems with the package immediately.


Build Pipeline is a process by which the software build is broken down in sections: 

  1. Unit test 
  2. Acceptance test 
  3. Packaging 
  4. Reporting 
  5. Deployment 
  6. Notification


The concepts of Continuous Integration, Build Pipeline and the new “DevOps” movement are revolutionizing how we build, deploy and use software. Gitlab is providing the automated pipeline which we need to use the gitlab.yml file.


I am unable to find the docker image which is appropriate for the php version and composer version we are using in our app. So I go with a manual gitlab runner.


Gitlab runner configuration: I installed the gitlab runner and initialized it in the aws ubuntu ec2 instance with the following steps:


# Download the binary for your system

sudo curl -L –output /usr/local/bin/gitlab-runner https://gitlab-runner-downloads.s3.amazonaws.com/latest/binaries/gitlab-runner-linux-amd64


# Give it permissions to execute

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gitlab-runner


# Create a GitLab CI user

sudo useradd –comment ‘GitLab Runner’ –create-home gitlab-runner –shell /bin/bash


# Install and run as service

sudo gitlab-runner install –user=gitlab-runner –working-directory=/home/gitlab-runner

sudo gitlab-runner start


For registering the runner in use the following command: 


sudo gitlab-runner register –url https://gitlab.com/ –registration-token $REGISTRATION_TOKEN

After installation, I tried to use the entire ec2 instance as a runner which will be more easy to deploy the application by using ssh as executor. I added pem file as the ssh key in the gitlab cicd variables and also stored the key in ec2 instance  location /home/ubuntu/.ssh. This runner uses aws environment as its own environment and doesn’t need anything to install. 

 But this runner failed because due to some configuration in the AWS EC2 instance while I logged into the instance with root through the pipeline, it logged out automatically. So I rewrote the config file of gitlab runner (replaced executor as shell). This change allows Pipeline to login to the instance, but doesn’t allow the git to pull the files. 


SSH Key generation and adding to Gitlab: To allow the git to pull the files from gitlab add the ssh key into the gitlab account. Generate ssh key by using 

ssh-keygen -o -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa


This generates an rsa ssh key.

Then move to the  /root/.ssh folder and create config file with below code:


Host gitlab.aagnia.com

   HostName gitlab.com

   AddKeysToAgent yes

   #UseKeychain yes

   User git

   PreferredAuthentications publickey

   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa1


This allows git operations inside the server (Install the git and use git init before running the pipeline) through the pipeline. Now run the pipeline from the gitlab account.

To set up a gitlab cicd pipeline for an laravel application to host in the aws server, we used the following code as .gitlab-ci.yml:  



    – build


  stage: build


    – cd <path/to/directory>

    – sudo git checkout dev

    – sudo git pull 

    – sudo cp .env.example .env

    – sudo composer install

    – sudo php artisan config:cache

    – sudo php artisan config:clear

    – sudo php artisan cache:clear

    – sudo chown -R root:root <path/to/directory>

    – sudo chmod -R 777 <path/to/directory>
